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Technical difficulties

téma založeno uživatelem SxN - 7.2.2021, 4:27

Uživatele, kteří přidali do tohoto tématu příspěvek: [ZRUŠIT filtrování příspěvků]
Eldenroot 2 SxN 2
To the Technical Admin of this Forum:


Not sure if you are aware, seems like your server is having some difficulties.

I am located in Canada and receiving a copy of your content via Cloudflare in Chicago, USA. In the last week or so, it was heavily plagued with HTTP 522 errors. If helpful, please check this advice from Cloudfare:

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Thanks, SxN
@SxN - Hi, thank you for your report. Unfortunately our webhosting Endora, where our websites are stored, had some technical difficulties over last few days (last weeks)... Our community has been growing steadily for last 4 years, but now with a higher amount of new users in last months we have a massive traffic increments. So that the unavailability of forum is getting more often. We all doing our best to improve this situation, including optimizations and extending our hosting plan with our webhosting provider. Everything is work in progress.

Maybe we will need to find a better webhosting which could handle our traffic in future. You can help too - become a patron of our board - more info may be found here 

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. All donations from other patrons are pointed directly to paying of our fees for webhosting. If we get more patrons we could afford better webhosting plan and less technical difficulties. Keep in mind that our board is free of use without any fees for users and we maintain the board in our free time - it is our hobby.

Thank you for your patience, take care and may the Meeple be with you!
[-] 1x   Chmura
Still don't know how to say "thank you" with the heart, so I'll say it in words: děkuji Eldenroot!
It is no longer a hobby, it is a passion with a pinch of addiction :)

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